Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Delegates at Talks Scramble as Gulf on Issues Remains

Copenhagen - leader in the climate negotiations here scrambled Tuesday to break through the friction between richer and poorer countries have stymied the talks, but the major players appeared that no closer to reaching an agreement the main issues dividing them.

A new draft negotiating text circulating Tuesday continue to show a broad look on issues such as emissions targets, financial aid for developing countries, measuring and monitoring of emissions.

One day after developing countries staged a temporary strike, the United States and China remained in a tense deadlock over China's refusal to accept international monitoring of its levels of emissions. And a United Nations official warned that the talks are moving too slowly.

"A great deal still to do," said Todd Stern, the chief climate for entrepreneurs in the United States. "The parties are still far apart on a fair number of issues."

As world leaders began making their way to Copenhagen for a conclusion not certain two-week talks, tensions outside the Bella Center, where delegates are meeting, escalated as protesters and the police vying in the street.

Almost 200 more arrests were made overnight as protesters, angered by the lack of progress in negotiations, temporary burn barricades in Copenhagen's Christiania neighborhood.

For the first time for the two-week meeting began, law enforcement officers used tear gas to disperse crowds of rioters, who reportedly lobbing small firebombs, a police spokesman said Tuesday.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain is expected to arrive Tuesday afternoon, two days ahead of schedule, in an effort to move the talks forward. The Danish Presidency of the meeting also asked the country - one from a developing country and one from a developed economy - to pair up and ask for a push overseas to make progress on some of the most difficult issues still must resolved.In one case, Ed Miliband, Britain's secretary of state for climate change, will team up with Ghanaian environmental minister, Hani sherry Ayittey, as the leader of a group tasked with ensuring enough money is put on the table for poor countries, they need to force a robust long-term financing commitment from developed countries to cope with climate changes that they cause.

Mr Miliband and Ms Ayittey "is committed to intensive consultations aimed at breaking through the deadlock in one of the toughest issues to the table in Copenhagen," a British government statement said late on Monday.

A signal state of affairs, Yvo De Boer, the chief United Nations climate talks running functionary, took an orange-and-white life ring in his midday news conference.

Mr De Boer said the disputes emerged from the attempt to reach a common agreement from over 190 countries large and small, rich and poor, vulnerable and resilient, the layered issues ranging from protecting the forests in paying for bringing more energy choices in areas with hardly any.

"This process is not about ramming the interests of some down the throats of many," he said. "This process is about the many trials to address all the interest. What makes it complicated process you have small island countries about the missing due to sea level rise, have producers of oil legitimately concerned about the future of their economy, you have major industrialized countries are afraid they lose work and you have big developing countries the most important concern is economic growth and difficulty consuming. "

The former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to address the conference on Tuesday afternoon. In an appearance here Monday, G. Gore cited new research suggesting that changes in climate may render the Arctic ice-free almost as early as 2014, although American government scientists place the outcome in a time frame.

Early Tuesday morning, the line of government delegates and representatives of environmental organizations seeking access to the meeting that stretched several hundred yards outside the main entrance area. Thousands of participants, including national delegates, representatives of advocacy groups and prominent scientists, faced four hours Monday to take the take the credentials.

The United Nations, which is sponsoring the talks, said in an e-mail statement on Tuesday that more than 45,000 people applied to attend the meeting - three times the capacity of the building. "A huge number of people applying arrived on Monday, causing congestion in areas outside the UN premises, which is under the control of the Danish police," the statement said

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